The Candover Valley Store needs you!
The Candover Valley Community Store is run by the community for the benefit of the community. We have a paid manager and four paid part-time senior assistants. As part of our commitment to providing rural paid work to young people we have a small team of 16 to 18 year-old youth workers who assist in the store at weekends and in the school holidays. All other staffing comes from volunteers, without whom the store would not survive. So why not volunteer at Candover Valley Store?
Volunteering is fun
By volunteering you will meet fellow villagers and valley residents, learn new skills, playing your part in helping the store to thrive and providing an essential service to our community. Our existing band of volunteers find it a rewarding experience – keeping both body and brain active, meeting new people and giving something back to the community.
If you don’t want to be front-of-house at the Candover Valley Store, that’s not a problem. There are plenty of behind the scenes activities that need to be carried out by volunteers to keep the store running efficiently.

Who can volunteer?
You can!
The store is for the whole community and the wider the cross section of volunteers, the better. Young people aged 16 to 18 years-old need permission from a parent or guardian to volunteer, young people aged 14 to 15 years-old can volunteer alongside a parent or guardian. The Candover Valley Community Store has a safeguarding policy that applies to all staff members and volunteers.
No special skills or experience are required. Just a willingness to get involved and some time to commit.
If you are ready to volunteer at Candover Valley Store then please download and complete the Volunteer application form and pop it into the store.
If you’re not quite ready to sign up and would like to find out more about how you can contribute to the success of the community store, then please contact Jane Laws by using the form below.